Organization for epilepsy treatment, research, etc.
Requirements: Anyone interested in epilepsy issues can join. Many times visual impairment and epilepsy are concurring conditions.
Foundation dealing with Cerebal Palsy Issues.
Requirements: Visual Impairment and CP often go together. Website gives a list of other organizations.
Foundation dealing with stroke related issues.
Requirements: Anyone interested in stroke related topics can join.
Foundation dealing with AIDS-related issues.
Requirements: Sometimes AIDS causes visual impairment.
Describes Parkinson-related topics.
Requirements: Sometimes visual impairment is a consequence of Parkinson's Disease.
Describes everything about albinism.
Requirements: Anyone interested in albinism can join.
Organization of the blind for the blind.
Requirements: Anyone interested in blind issues can join.
Parent Organization
Requirements: Anyone interested in raising visually impaired children is encouraged to join.
Part of the American Council of the Blind.
Requirements: Anyone interested in blind issues can join.